Hello and welcome to the clubhouse of the IPMS USA Great War Internet Cyber Chapter (IPMS/GWICC)! http://www.wwi-models.org/gwicc/index.html
The Great War Internet Cyber Chapter (IPMS/GWICC) exists completely within the World War-I modeling mailing list, a part of the WW-I modeling page (http://www.wwi-models.org/). Through “The List” we share information about building models in any scale with subjects that were used in World War I. This includes but is not limited to: airplanes, tanks and other ground vehicles, figurines and ships. Generally the model is still considered a WW-I subject if it was in use up to the formal end of WW-I in 1921.
We provide a “HOME” club for those IPMS members that may live in too remote of a location to routinely participate in a conventional club. It is a self-moderated mailing list that is graciously hosted by the University of New Hampshire and maintained by Allan Wright (aew@wwi-models.org) and Sanjeev Hirve.
The List is a free flowing bulletin board that is almost as fast and interesting as an open chat room. The members themselves limit discussion to WW-I topics with very little moderation. The LIST DOES NOT accept pictures! Members who wish to post pictures of their completed subjects do so through the WW-I modeling page galleries (http://www.wwi-models.org/Images/index.html).
As far as we know this is the second time in IPMS history that an attempt to form a chapter that only meets in cyberspace. But the members are known to meet in real space at IPMS contests and major historical museums.
If you would like to be a part of the IPMS/GWICC please send a short email to John Huggins at john@huggins-leahey.com or to the chapter contact: ot811 dot wwi plus list at gmail dot com containing your name and country of reliance. If you are an IPMS member, please include the country and member number. If you will be using GWICC as your IPMS home chapter, we would like to know that as well.
Steve Cox maintains a wonderful photo gallery of GWICC displays at UK modeling shows.
The 10th anniversary list button is now ready.
They will be $2.00 each (includes postage). The original buttons will be available also for the same price.
For now, list members in Europe can contact Karen, as she and others will be in their neck of the woods in Nov. For all other members, contact me off list for orders.