1/200 | 1/192 | 1/144 | 1/100 | 1/96 | 1/76 | 1/72 | 1/50 | 1/48 | 1/35 | 1/32 | 1/25 | 1/24 | |
1/200 | 100.00% | 104.17% | 138.89% | 200.00% | 208.33% | 263.16% | 277.78% | 400.00% | 416.67% | 571.43% | 625.00% | 800.00% | 833.33% |
1/192 | 96.00% | 100.00% | 133.33% | 192.00% | 200.00% | 252.63% | 266.67% | 384.00% | 400.00% | 548.57% | 600.00% | 768.00% | 800.00% |
1/144 | 72.00% | 75.00% | 100.00% | 144.00% | 150.00% | 189.47% | 200.00% | 288.00% | 300.00% | 411.43% | 450.00% | 576.00% | 600.00% |
1/100 | 50.00% | 52.08% | 69.44% | 100.00% | 104.17% | 131.58% | 138.89% | 200.00% | 208.33% | 285.71% | 312.50% | 400.00% | 416.67% |
1/96 | 48.00% | 50.00% | 66.67% | 96.00% | 100.00% | 126.32% | 133.33% | 192.00% | 200.00% | 274.29% | 300.00% | 384.00% | 400.00% |
1/76 | 38.00% | 39.58% | 52.78% | 76.00% | 79.17% | 100.00% | 105.56% | 152.00% | 158.33% | 217.14% | 237.50% | 304.00% | 316.67% |
1/72 | 36.00% | 37.50% | 50.00% | 72.00% | 75.00% | 94.74% | 100.00% | 144.00% | 150.00% | 205.71% | 225.00% | 288.00% | 300.00% |
1/50 | 25.00% | 26.04% | 34.72% | 50.00% | 52.08% | 65.79% | 69.44% | 100.00% | 104.17% | 142.86% | 156.25% | 200.00% | 208.33% |
1/48 | 24.00% | 25.00% | 33.33% | 48.00% | 50.00% | 63.16% | 66.67% | 96.00% | 100.00% | 137.14% | 150.00% | 192.00% | 200.00% |
1/35 | 17.50% | 18.23% | 24.31% | 35.00% | 36.46% | 46.05% | 48.61% | 70.00% | 72.92% | 100.00% | 109.38% | 140.00% | 145.83% |
1/32 | 16.00% | 16.67% | 22.22% | 32.00% | 33.33% | 42.11% | 44.44% | 64.00% | 66.67% | 91.43% | 100.00% | 128.00% | 133.33% |
1/25 | 12.50% | 13.02% | 17.36% | 25.00% | 26.04% | 32.89% | 34.72% | 50.00% | 52.08% | 71.43% | 78.13% | 100.00% | 104.17% |
1/24 | 12.00% | 12.50% | 16.67% | 24.00% | 25.00% | 31.58% | 33.33% | 48.00% | 50.00% | 68.57% | 75.00% | 96.00% | 100.00% |
DesiredScale = ExistingScale * ConversionFactor
ConversionFactor = DesiredScale / ExistingScale
Example: to convert 1/72 to 1/48
ConversionFactor = 1/48 / 1/72 = 72 / 48 = 1.5 = 150%
A 6-ft (72-inch) pilot figure is thus 1-in tall in 1/72 scale and 1.5-in tall in 1/48 scale.
Advantages of the formula: You can always figure out the intermediate ratios correctly when using photocpier enlargement. In the above example, most copiers would not do the full 150% in one pass. Most copiers max out at 121% or 141%. I have seen almost every other possible figure too. So having a chart of common scale conversions is not likely to be all that useful in many cases. Using the formula, you just figure out what the scale will be after the 121% enlagement:
IntermediateScale = ( ExistingScale * .121) + ExistingScale.
Then you use IntermediateScale as the ExistingScale in the formula.