WWI On-line Submissions

App User Guide | App Main Page | WWI Home | Off-line submission

The WWI On-line submission application is intended for submitting a write-up and images of your WWI model subjects.  In the past, you submitted a write up and the images via e-mail to the web-admin.

This app aims to simplify and ease the job of the web site administrator.  It does this by off-loading some the task onto you.  It also gives you some more control on the presentation of your subject, namely the content and layout of your web-page.

Currently, you can submit a complete new subject to be posted in the model gallery.  You can also update existing subjects in your model gallery.

Any questions, suggestions, feedback should be sent to Sanjeev Hirve at ot811 dot wwi plus admin at gmail dot com. .

Setting up an account

You need an account on the wwi server in order to use the online submission App.  Request the web-admin to set one up for you.

If you do not already have a 'booth' in the model gallery, include your full name and the e-mail address that should be included on your 'home page'.  The admin will set you up with a user-id and password.

Submissions by e-mail

If you prefer, you may alternately submit your work via e-mail.  To do so, send your submission in an e-mail to one of the WWI admins listed at the top of the Model Gallery page.

A few Guidelines for e-mail submission

In your email include:

Send a separate e-mail for each submission.

A few Guidelines for images