WWI Digest 3916 Topics covered in this issue include: 1) Re: D.V fuselage top by Shane Weier 2) Re: Pfinally Pfinished the Pfalzie by Witold Kozakiewicz 3) RE: PART PE Detail Set for the Gavia Bristol Scout by Witold Kozakiewicz 4) 不可错过的良机 by webmaster178@wx88.net 5) Re: D.V fuselage top by "Diego Fernetti" 6) RE: D.V fuselage top by "Diego Fernetti" 7) RE: Pfinally Pfinished the Pfalzie by "Diego Fernetti" 8) Re: D.V fuselage top by Shane Weier 9) RE: PART PE Detail Set for the Gavia Bristol Scout by "Grzegorz Mazurowski" 10) Re: D.V fuselage top by "Diego Fernetti" 11) Re: German steel helmet by "Diego Fernetti" 12) RE: PART PE Detail Set for the Gavia Bristol Scout by Witold Kozakiewicz 13) RE: PART PE Detail Set for the Gavia Bristol Scout by "Grzegorz Mazurowski" 14) RE: Non-Fokker triplanes in 1/72 by "Diego Fernetti" 15) RE: Eduard Albatros DV by "Nigel Rayner" 16) Sopwith Tripe Tailplanes by "Neil Eddy" 17) Re: WWI helmets by KnnthS@aol.com 18) E-mail is back by "Marcio Antonio Campos" 19) secret friends for Xmas by "Diego Fernetti" 20) Fokker vs Sopwith Tripe by Crawford Neil 21) Re: D.V fuselage top by "Michael Kendix" 22) Re: D.V fuselage top by "Diego Fernetti" 23) Re: D.V fuselage top by "Michael Kendix" 24) RE: Fokker vs Sopwith Tripe by "Diego Fernetti" 25) Re: D.V fuselage top by "Michael Kendix" 26) Re: Fokker vs Sopwith Tripe by "John & Allison Cyganowski" 27) RE: Sopwith Tripe Tailplanes by "Graham Hunter" ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 18:30:38 +1000 From: Shane Weier To: "'wwi@wwi-models.org'" Subject: Re: D.V fuselage top Message-ID: <7186131CB805D411A60E0090272F7C7102BCD7ED@mimhexch1.mim.com.au> Nigel, > Holes for laces to join the covering? Huh? I've sure misunderstood Karen if the eyelets I saw are for joining some covering. Where are these things? Shane ********************************************************************** The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and is intended only for the use of the addressee(s). If you receive this e-mail in error, any use, distribution or copying of this e-mail is not permitted. 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He bought himself a new >digital camera that we want to try. > Congratulations, I'm also working on Eduard Pfalz D.IIIa, but this is OOB model with no modifications. just for fun. -- Witold Kozakiewicz ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 09:54:57 +0100 From: Witold Kozakiewicz To: wwi@wwi-models.org Subject: RE: PART PE Detail Set for the Gavia Bristol Scout Message-ID: <3BFE0EE1.7060904@bg.am.lodz.pl> Mark Kirkbride wrote: >I have been working with the Gavia Bristol and Part PE set. The set is >quite extensive and fills in the cockpit particularly well. I would send >you a scan but, as luck would have it it was packed today (I am moving from >California to Washington). If you can wait a week you can have the scan. > You may see it at Part website. http://www.part.pl/s48/s48095.jpg > >It is a single fret and along with cockpit details includes control horns >etc. So far the fit has been excellent. > Nice to hear that. -- Witold Kozakiewicz ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 17:44:08 From: webmaster178@wx88.net To: wwi@mustang.sr.unh.edu Subject: 不可错过的良机 Message-ID: <77468CF5968.AYQ5CF3@mail.99e.net> 中国加入WTO的最好机遇!-上网一族,我们的好机会来啦!! “多给自己一个机会,做新世纪的新人类” “坐在家里工作,穿着睡衣赚钱”-前两期《电脑爱好者》中有详情介绍,摘录如下: 自由白领(国外称SOHO)是21世纪的终极职业,做SOHO没有时间、年龄、文凭、地域的限制,只要你能上网,坐 在家中就有几十种的赚钱方式,她使人类第一次能真正按照自己的兴趣和爱好来选择工作。专家预测到2010年, 发达国家60%以上的职员将在家中工作。因此,SOHO是一个不可阻挡的职业趋势。你今天不加入,明天也得加入。 不同的是:加入得越早,你的网络势能就越大,收入也就越高。而目前我国的SOHO族正处于历史性的转折点,随 着中国加入WTO,世界各大银行、企业和广告巨头都将直接进入中国市场,抢占中国网络广告这块刚刚起步的 处女地。而中国的SOHO族将面临有史以来最大的一次机遇,同时将享有国外同行一样多的各种赚钱机会和待遇( 原先国内的soho得不到公平对待,收益较低)!而且收款时也不必在等10天半月才能收到挂号支票,到时可申办 一张国际通用的信用卡,在网上到soho帐户及时查账,满起付额立马可要求支付,当天即可到账! (**注:目前国内广告网刚刚起步,付现金的较少,一般以赠送各种礼品为主。少数付费的因广告业务暂时 较少,所以收益较低!不能和国际性的老牌网络广告巨头相比!!) 因此为了提高自己的网络势能,应趁入世前国人还没有一拥而上之际,赶快加入,早加入,早得益!!! 以下是我两年来做SOHO的一些经验和心得,现与各位网友共享: 一、付费电子邮件赚钱密技大放送!! 中文注册-美国久负盛名的、信誉卓著的付费电子邮件站点http://www.MintMail.com/?m=1074200 MintMail第一封赚钱邮件已经于10月6号正式发送,每收一封邮件0.05-0.10美圆,支持2层下线,第一层$0.03, 第2层$0.02,计划每星期5封以上邮件,$25起付,对全球付款。一般1-2个月结一次帐,要有收获可一定得有耐心哦!   ★加入方法很简单的哦:点击http://www.MintMail.com/?m=1074200 进入上面网站(点击不成,复制、粘贴到地址栏或直接输入到地址栏上) 打开网页,点击右上方 click here 活动图标,或点击蓝色 FREE Sign-up page 字样也可! 然后,跟着提示,一步一步输入信息就ok了。 值得高兴的是它能识别中文信息(不能识的用拼音输入,只要中国邮递员能看懂),而能100%加入! 下面是我为了方便大家的加入详细说明了加入过程中的细节: - First name*: 名字(例:张 ) - Last Name*:姓 (例:国强 ) - Company Name: 可不填(公司名) - Street Address*: 家庭住址:(一定要详细填写,不然收不到汇款单喽!例:上海市**地方) - City*: 城市名 (例:Beijin City 英文填写!! ) - State*: 可不填(州名) - Zip*: 邮编 ( 如210008 ) - Country*: 国家( 选 china ) - Phone*: 我的电话号码 ( 国家代码 86 + 去掉区位号前0+我的电话号码) 例北京电话:010-64243365 应填为 86-10-64243365) - Fax: 传真可不填 - E-mail*: 电子信箱(所有的交流都通过信箱传递,所以务必填写正确) - Confirm 我的信箱*: 再次输入信箱地址 ***** - Year of birth*: 出生年月日 例:1970、1980 - Gender*: 性别 Male(男), Femaie (女) - Password*: 密码 (6位以上)****** - Confirm Password: 确认密码 (必须与上相同)****** - how do you want to receive commissions that you earn? 以什么形式接收礼品? *gift certificates(double$$) 奖品 *cash 现金   如要奖品能收到双倍价格的东西,但都是一些英文版的书籍、磁带、光盘等, 对于中国人来说,还是选择现金比较合算些,请选择 cash - do you want to be notified when your referrals sing up? 如你注册成功时通知你吗?选 yes - MintMail.com 请选择自己的爱好或兴趣 (最多可选10种,选得多,付费信也多哦!) - Submit 点击它 屏幕上就会出现 thank you 的字样,同时你的ID(用户名 数字)和密码也会出现在屏幕上 记住它,加入完毕,一切ok了!恭喜发财 ^o^ 然后,5分钟之内你会收到一封欢迎信!. **网上赚钱从今天开始 美元等着你?!机会有时是稍纵即逝的,不要只瞪眼睛,快试试吧! 关于解决“最近许多网友反映的MintMail付费邮件很少”的办法! 办法一:为了确保收到更多的付费邮件,您注册时的感兴趣项应该选多一些。但是:目前MintMail对 自己国内用户发的付费邮件很多,对其他国家很少,因此注册时最好先注册一个美国的地址和名字,等看 到帐户里的钱多了再改回真实的收款地址-$100起付!不过前两天美国的朋友来信说MintMail最近审核较严, 建议最好在每月20号结账的前几天改回真实收款地址!这可是一个超级秘密武器哦!!!) 办法一:不收信也赚钱:(使用时只能适可而止哦!!) 这家公司定期寄信给你,信中的广告连结 是 http://www.MintMail.com/Opportunities/?m=YourAccount&b=XXX Your Account = 申请时的 Account No. 后面的XXX = 三个数字 (注意不是任何数字也可以的,我自己试了260 附近的数字) 请自己尝试那些数字可去到有效广告连结。但是一定要注意:可不要太过份了! *****宣传方法***** http://www.MintMail.com/?m=1074200 注册完后可把该网址连接介绍给你的朋友们 ^^* 然后就收信、读信、查账、收钱就是了!好了,祝你成功…… 不,应该是祝我们一起发财!这才对啊! (**最后提醒各位网友,MintMail其实是一家美国著名的、信誉度很高的付费邮件公司,为确保您赚到更多的钱, 您收到MintMail的邮件时应点击其中的连接并待其页面完全打开,这样才算真正阅读了一封付费邮件! 看付费邮件技巧:须点击Email中的连接,并等页面完全打开后(有少数要求注册一下)才会给你计点赚钱 。 有时1个多月才结一次帐,可不要心急哦!   作者:178 ------------------------------------------------------------- ★★如果你想做SOHO,在冲浪赚钱时更加得心应手,并能经常得到各种最新的、真实有效的赚钱攻略、秘籍,和 SOHO族的朋友互通信息、及时交流,强烈推荐你加入我们SOHO族自己的网络赚钱联盟-"SOHO联盟"邮件组: http://list.sohu.com/subscribe/cnsoho ,(需用sohu的邮件地址登陆),这里还可以交流和得到各种热门软件的 注册码和游戏密技哦!!现正举办“网络营销-宣传技术”系列讲座,句句箴言,受益颇多!邮件组这两年对我的帮助实在的巨大! ★在做MintMail的同时,这两年我还尝试了其他几十个付费网站,回报差距很大,有好有坏,有的小站点甚 至是骗子站点,下面我精选了几个信誉卓著的、国内外知名的--赚钱站点排行榜TOP10推荐给大家: ★★1、对中国付费超酷广告条公司webbullion,打开广告条每小时不少于0.15美元,五级下线!20美元起付, 即时查帐,记时非常准确,广告条小巧方便,注册完下载,最左边是蓝色表示在计点,红色时不计,点广 告即可变蓝。★最强烈推荐,90天不使用,将删除你的帐户   http://www.webbullion.com/wb/ref.cgi?td8@sohu.com ★★★2、Yesmail-经众多网站的验证,All Community是目前对中国发信最多最及时的的付费邮件广告商,而且 信一直很多$0.05/封,加分准确。此公司是全美最大的网络销售集团,信誉绝对好,支票将有挂号信寄来。 信多秘籍:登陆自己帐号把兴趣项全选。注意:你的帐户金额1至2个月才更新一次.独门密技:(当然未达到起付 标准$100之前,地址先注册成为美国的话,收到的付费信件将更多!!)查帐直接到www.AllCommunity.com登陆 就可以了!最低付款额为100美元,不满累加到下月。多收信秘籍:可是注册时你的兴趣爱好最多只能选择6项! 收信当然少啦! 你可通过你所获得的邮件,进入http://my.yesmail.com,进入本人的帐号,修改其中的兴趣爱 好一栏-左下角“-/+"!全选吧!嘻嘻,邮件是不是多起来啦! ★最强烈推荐! http://www.AllCommunity.com/all.members/ly8007/ ★★3、由清华大学策划、创办的网络广告赚钱站点-清华网贝-中文注册: http://www.wonbay.com.cn/asp/agree.asp?up=ly8007 ★★、chance2mail收mail.填问卷.攒彩豆.换日本礼品!由日本Cyber公司创办,中国分公司设在上海, 主要股东是日本三和银行和富士银行,信誉一流,彩豆越多,礼品越高档-中文注册!    http://china.chance2mail.com/cgi-bin/regstep1.cgi?myid=DQ00143225 ★5、世界最老牌的综合赚钱网Spedia:是美国加利福尼亚伯克利市的一家从事互联网广告业务的公司。 是最先对中国付费的冲浪公司之一,也上到目前为止付款最高(0.6美元/小时),国内网友收到支票最多 的一家公司。 Spedia 还特别提出对东亚市场的重视,现已建立了在香港的办事处。公司现情况很好,且 在100hot的排名已升到世界第八。所以说 Spedia 是最好的外国广告条公司,信誉绝佳,利润高。 你要想网上赚钱 Spedia 就一定要加入(用以下连接加入有效)。“SOHO联盟”有详细攻略介绍!    http://www.spedia.net/cgi-bin/tz.cgi?run=show_svc&fl=8&vid=2524477 ★6、世界付费邮件排名前三位的付费站点:    http://www.moneywithmail.com/?refid=ly8007 ★7、美国刚刚推出的最新形式的付费站点-白金网(趁刚刚推出,要加入赶快!!)    http://www.goingplatinum.com/member/ly8007 ★8、美国信誉绝佳的综合付费广告站点linkshare,每推荐1人付你$1.5,特别适合有主页的朋友!    http://click.linksynergy.com/fs-bin/stat?id=CLFcTsrGngk&offerid=7097&type=3&subid=0 ★9、世界最大的中文注册交友赚钱网-亚洲个人交友中心-中文注册: http://asiafriendfinder.com/go/p88767 老生常谈:以上的网站连接是我们一些SOHO盟友经过几年的验证、多方比较精选出来的确有成效的知名站点, 有时间的朋友可以做一下。但是做SOHO关键在于持之以恒,每天不需多,但需持久做,不管是收付费邮件赚钱、 看广告赚钱、填调查问卷赚钱、注册网站赚钱还是介绍交友赚钱,都需选准网站后做多做久才会有收获!! 网络赚钱格言:不急不燥,自然安心,积少成多,聚沙成塔!!! 巨大利好消息:最新出台超酷概念的付费邮件网站,老美最新猛料,不容不看![原创] (耗巨资刚刚推出,现在不加入更待何时!) www.ProsperMail.com,最新老美新概念读邮件赚大钱网站,官方启动日为12月17日,本人的ID只是1001,现在正在迅速发展, 各位朋友赶快加入未迟!http://www.prospermail.com/id/1001/free.cfm 趁现在在最早期加入,你将有无穷的发展空间 公司介绍:从网站制作看该公司很有实力并且很有发展潜力,他们提出了一种最新概念的读信赚钱良机,让你读每封信都 有机会赚到25美金到最高5000美金,不是开玩笑,该公司的读信赚钱概念和一般的邮件赚钱公司不同,具体如下:采用6X5强制 下线体制,你的下线最多可容纳到9330人,每次会员读一封信点击了公司的广告连接并被系统记录下来,公司会在所有读信的会 员当中随机抽取一个获奖者,奖金价值随广告商的不同而不同,从25到5000美金。你如果获奖当然是一件大好事,如果你没有中 奖你还有无穷的机会得奖。你的六层下线的9330个人不管是谁赢了奖你也可以得到总奖金的10%,也就是从2.5美圆到500美圆, 所以他们采用的是一种TEAM组织的概念。举例,Tom 是你的下线. Tom 发展了Kim. Kim 发展了Joe, Joe发展了Sue. Sue 发展 了Jack. 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Again, I don't have any of my many pics with me. OTOH, it's *nearly* > time to go home and I'll have a look. I have quite a few closeups of an > Albatross' underside and maybe one will show them clearly Check the ww1 modelling website! http://www.wwi-models.org/Photos/Ger/Alb_DV/dfalbd5_01.jpg D. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 07:41:16 -0300 From: "Diego Fernetti" To: "ww1 list" Subject: RE: D.V fuselage top Message-ID: <00d101c1740b$616ed400$4640a8c0@ssp.salud.rosario.gov.ar> Hi Michael! > I am building the Eduard Albatros D.V. Is there no top decking on the > fuselage under the guns? Nope, it has a hole in the front of the fuselage like the fokker Dr.1, for instance, but it has a small wooden portion in front of the cockpit hole. There are also shaped cutouts on each side of the fuselage for the ammo chutes or the belt feeding of the guns. > You can see right in through the gun emplacement > and see into the cockpit. Is there a cover over the part of the fuselage > where the guns sit? Yes, you can easily see the cockpit from there. Sometimes, a flat metal plate was fitted between the two guns, but seems like it was usually discarded (to fix guns "jambed" during flight?) HTH D. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 07:59:54 -0300 From: "Diego Fernetti" To: Subject: RE: Pfinally Pfinished the Pfalzie Message-ID: <011c01c1740d$fba6e420$4640a8c0@ssp.salud.rosario.gov.ar> Well done! pics, pics, pics, pics!!!! D. ----- Original Message ----- From: Graham Hunter To: Multiple recipients of list Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2001 5:03 PM Subject: [WWI] Pfinally Pfinished the Pfalzie > Well I finally finished the Eduard Pfalz D.IIIa I have been working on for > about 10 months on the weekend. I was even able to enter it in our local > IPMS contest on Monday. I was very happy to get first place in the Senior > category. I will send pics and a write-up to Matt or Alan next week. I am > getting pictures take this week end at Tom Morgan's. He bought himself a new > digital camera that we want to try. > > Cheers, Graham > ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 21:06:03 +1000 From: Shane Weier To: "'wwi@wwi-models.org'" Subject: Re: D.V fuselage top Message-ID: <7186131CB805D411A60E0090272F7C7102BCD7EE@mimhexch1.mim.com.au> Diego, > Check the ww1 modelling website! > http://www.wwi-models.org/Photos/Ger/Alb_DV/dfalbd5_01.jpg > Yes, it shows the same ones as mine, except at a much greater distance - and unfortunately the last one visible is the same one I can see. Interestingly, if the ones on the wing stubs are there, they must be just out of sight behind the axle fairing. Shane ********************************************************************** The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and is intended only for the use of the addressee(s). 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Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 08:19:22 -0300 From: "Diego Fernetti" To: Subject: Re: D.V fuselage top Message-ID: <014801c17410$b3fd3860$4640a8c0@ssp.salud.rosario.gov.ar> Shane! > Yes, it shows the same ones as mine, except at a much greater distance - and > unfortunately the last one visible is the same one I can see. Bummer! but please send the pictures to Neil ASAP! We all want to see them! > Interestingly, if the ones on the wing stubs are there, they must be just > out of sight behind the axle fairing. I can't reproduce in this public forum what I think about the ones who chose the Albatros to hang above the visitor's heads at 4 meters high... (sorry Brian! :-)) D. (at least the Fokker D.VIII is within hand's reach....) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 08:21:19 -0300 From: "Diego Fernetti" To: Subject: Re: German steel helmet Message-ID: <014901c17410$f9661480$4640a8c0@ssp.salud.rosario.gov.ar> Gasterix wrote: > As the Germans invaded Luxemburg and Belgium they still > wore the "Pickelhaube" but in most cases removed the tip. Their equippment > and logistics was superior to the French and what I plan for my book is a > most detailed description of the equippment and uniforms of both sides. You probably knew this, but in 1914 the spikes of the helmets were riveted to the crown, but in later versions they were issued with removable spikes so in frontline use they didn't make a good aiming point for the enemy. You can read an excellent essay on german helmets at http://www.worldwar1.com/sfgph.htm Check also the associated links at the top of the page. One of the factors of the demise of the classic pickelhaube was the shortage of raw materials to make them. The body of the helmet (or more precisely of the head-dress) was made in boiled leather. The leather was imported from overseas and thanks to the efficient british blockade no new leather stocks could reach the german ports.... do you know from where the leather was sent? Yes, from Argentina! Probably the cargo ships with the german orders ended in England and were used to make equipment for the tommies. Ironies of war! D. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 12:26:10 +0100 From: Witold Kozakiewicz To: wwi@wwi-models.org Subject: RE: PART PE Detail Set for the Gavia Bristol Scout Message-ID: <3BFE3252.3020200@bg.am.lodz.pl> Grzegorz Mazurowski wrote: >To explain: >Witold is designer of that great PE set! > Wrong, I only helped Part with references, -- Witold Kozakiewicz ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 13:01:32 +0100 From: "Grzegorz Mazurowski" To: Subject: RE: PART PE Detail Set for the Gavia Bristol Scout Message-ID: <00b301c17416$985b3020$0200a8c0@x.pl> Oops! Sorry all! Grzegorz > Grzegorz Mazurowski wrote: > > >To explain: > >Witold is designer of that great PE set! > > > Wrong, I only helped Part with references, > > -- > Witold Kozakiewicz > > _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 09:14:15 -0300 From: "Diego Fernetti" To: "ww1 list" Subject: RE: Non-Fokker triplanes in 1/72 Message-ID: <027b01c17418$5eacbae0$4640a8c0@ssp.salud.rosario.gov.ar> Marcio! > After reading the Osprey book on German and Austrian aircraft, I got > interested in non-Fokker triplanes, especially the curious Albatros Dr.I Even if you can't get the Rosemont conversion set (I guess that's oop, we should ask Barry) I guess that's an easy projecty for a first attempt in scratchbuilding wings and struts. Anyway, take it easy and keep in mind "Dicta Ira" in all the cases. And if you liek to glua many wings in an airplane you may like to do a Fokker quintuplane someday! (yes it existed, no kidding!) > So, question: are there injected kits in Bittner, Grzegorz and Marcio scale > for these triplanes? D. told me Merlin made a Pfalz Dr.I, but I can't find > it in the hobby shops I've searched till now. http://www.kingkit.co.uk often has OOP kits like the one you'd like to have, in fact in his catalogue items for "Merlin" http://www.kingkit.co.uk/cat_24.htm it lists a Pfalz D.VIII that is just like the triplane but in a biplane configuration. As I've told you, don't be too enthusiastic about the Merlins, they'r just a chunk of plastic to start carving a model from them. Other very complete and quite reasonable hobby shop specialized in rare kit is the Luchvaart Hobby Shop from the Netherlands. To dream a little, check this article from the IPMS Stockholm webzine... http://www.ipmsstockholm.org/magazine/2001/07/stuff_eng_bruun_pfalz.htm Regards D. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 12:26:09 -0000 From: "Nigel Rayner" To: Subject: RE: Eduard Albatros DV Message-ID: <000001c1741a$07d8b960$983bedc1@w1o0t3> Michael asked: >I am building the Eduard Albatros D.V. Is there no top decking on the >fuselage under the guns? You can see right in through the gun emplacement >and see into the cockpit. It's difficult to see down there once the wing's on but I did put a small blanking plate in mine (from plasticard). It looked better than leaving it open IIRC - Dicta Ira was applied.... Cheers, Nigel ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 23:24:16 +1100 From: "Neil Eddy" To: Subject: Sopwith Tripe Tailplanes Message-ID: <001501c17419$c5231660$a42932d2@mannock> Steve; Thanks for the info - this makes it likely that Blymp N5493, had the later tailplane. I also took a peek at the Datafile Naval Eight line photograph (which includes an indistinct Blymp on the far end, and those that are discernible have the later tailplane. Given that Little didnt fly Blymp under April 1917, and the tailplanes were changed after Feb 17, it's the later tailplane for me. Luckily, the kit version is larger so I should be able to cut the kit version to shape.... All the Best Neil E. Yes, Shane, remember the photos...: ) ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 07:29:42 EST From: KnnthS@aol.com To: wwi@wwi-models.org Subject: Re: WWI helmets Message-ID: <16.15cd662d.292f9b36@aol.com> In a message dated 22/11/01 9:36:32 pm, ibs4421@commandnet.net writes: << Sure! Send away! I've got enough geeky WWI collector friends that surely one of them will know what it is. >> Warren- What about the non-geeky ones? Would they also know? Ken and stop calling them Shirley ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 10:36:47 -0300 From: "Marcio Antonio Campos" To: Subject: E-mail is back Message-ID: <005401c17423$e7c79a60$5d1ba8c0@officesp.starmedia> Hello, folks! My StarMedia e-mail is back. However, I'm afraid that some people who wanted to enter our Secret Santa didn't have their messages delivered to me during this time. So, a few minutes ago I sent a confirmation message to all people I already have in my list. If you wrote to me but didn't receive that confirmation message, please contact me again OFF-LIST at BOTH marcio.campos@starmedia.net AND wwi_modeler@hotmail.com Remembering: entries for our Secret Santa finish at midnight (Greenwich time) of Friday, Nov. 30th. I know, I wrote Dec. 2nd earlier, but I'm worried about lack of time to have gifts sent. Sorry Al for using the list, I hope it won't be necessary again. All the best from Brazil Marcio Antonio Campos Redator do GuiaSP StarMedia do Brasil +55 11 30436421 marcio.campos@starmedia.net http://www.guiasp.com.br http://www.guiarj.com.br http://www.nacidade.com.br ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 09:56:57 -0300 From: "Diego Fernetti" To: Subject: secret friends for Xmas Message-ID: <003d01c1741e$556afb80$4640a8c0@ssp.salud.rosario.gov.ar> Friends I want to emphasize that everyone wanting to enter this project to contact Marcio ASAP. The more we participate in this, the more fun we'll get with the secret's friend gift So sign up guys (and gals)! D. ----- Original Message ----- From: Marcio Antonio Campos > However, I'm afraid that some people who wanted to enter our Secret Santa > didn't have their messages delivered to me during this time. So, a few > minutes ago I sent a confirmation message to all people I already have in my > list. If you wrote to me but didn't receive that confirmation message, > please contact me again OFF-LIST at BOTH marcio.campos@starmedia.net AND > wwi_modeler@hotmail.com > > Remembering: entries for our Secret Santa finish at midnight (Greenwich > time) of Friday, Nov. 30th. I know, I wrote Dec. 2nd earlier, but I'm > worried about lack of time to have gifts sent. > > Sorry Al for using the list, I hope it won't be necessary again. > > All the best from Brazil > > Marcio Antonio Campos > Redator do GuiaSP > StarMedia do Brasil > +55 11 30436421 > marcio.campos@starmedia.net > http://www.guiasp.com.br > http://www.guiarj.com.br > http://www.nacidade.com.br > ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 14:28:01 +0100 From: Crawford Neil To: "'wwi@wwi-models.org'" Subject: Fokker vs Sopwith Tripe Message-ID: I've been thinking about something that has always made me wonder. Why did the Sopwith Tripe disappear so quickly, and then along comes the Fokker tripe which was something of a copy, and becomes the most famous WW1 aeroplane. If you look at the figures the Sopwith was faster, had a 130hp engine compared to 110, was probably(?) lighter. The Fokker was fighting the next generation Sopwith, it should have been totally outclassed, and certainly it was outclassed but not totally. Which was the best plane the Sopwith Tripe or the Fokker Tripe? /Neil C. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 13:31:48 From: "Michael Kendix" To: wwi@wwi-models.org Subject: Re: D.V fuselage top Message-ID: >From: "Diego Fernetti" >I can't reproduce in this public forum what I think about the ones who > >chose the Albatros to hang above the visitor's heads at 4 meters >high... >(sorry Brian! :-)) >D. >(at least the Fokker D.VIII is within hand's reach....) Diego: It's a D.VII at the NASM. The problem really is one of space. I agree with you in a way but at least it's there. I hope they do better with the Caudron G-4 at the new museum near Dulles Airport - scheduled to open December 2003. Michael _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 10:44:03 -0300 From: "Diego Fernetti" To: Subject: Re: D.V fuselage top Message-ID: <007901c17424$e9dcf060$4640a8c0@ssp.salud.rosario.gov.ar> Michael! > It's a D.VII at the NASM. Yes, sorry it was a typo. I was nervous. > The problem really is one of space. I agree with you in a way but at least > it's there. I hope they do better with the Caudron G-4 at the new museum > near Dulles Airport - scheduled to open December 2003. Let's pray! Do you know if any of the space available on the NASM will be dedicated to make the airplanes more visible? D. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 13:38:58 From: "Michael Kendix" To: wwi@wwi-models.org Subject: Re: D.V fuselage top Message-ID: Thanks to all those who sent responses to the above. I think the way I will go is to use the plate for the non-Profipak because that kit has a lot less detail - I was too lazy. Then I'll leave the profipak stuff open so people can see a little of the detail. Michael _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 10:46:43 -0300 From: "Diego Fernetti" To: Subject: RE: Fokker vs Sopwith Tripe Message-ID: <008401c17425$49968de0$4640a8c0@ssp.salud.rosario.gov.ar> Neil! The fokker machine had less power, but less drag as well. It seems to have been more efficient on the turns with less lateral surface and shorter wings. I guess that most of the fame, however, stems of the fact that MvR was killed in one, and from that the rest of the triplane fliegers became more known. IMHO D. ----- Original Message ----- From: Crawford Neil To: Multiple recipients of list Sent: Friday, November 23, 2001 10:30 AM Subject: [WWI] Fokker vs Sopwith Tripe > I've been thinking about something that has always > made me wonder. Why did the Sopwith Tripe disappear > so quickly, and then along comes the Fokker tripe > which was something of a copy, and becomes the most > famous WW1 aeroplane. If you look at the figures > the Sopwith was faster, had a 130hp engine compared to > 110, was probably(?) lighter. The Fokker was fighting > the next generation Sopwith, it should have been totally > outclassed, and certainly it was outclassed but not > totally. Which was the best plane the Sopwith Tripe or > the Fokker Tripe? > /Neil C. > ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 14:04:42 From: "Michael Kendix" To: wwi@wwi-models.org Subject: Re: D.V fuselage top Message-ID: Diego: I don't know. Probably Brian Nicklas is the one to answer that. Michael >From: "Diego Fernetti" >Reply-To: wwi@wwi-models.org >To: Multiple recipients of list >Subject: [WWI] Re: D.V fuselage top >Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 08:38:53 -0500 (EST) > >Michael! > > It's a D.VII at the NASM. > >Yes, sorry it was a typo. I was nervous. > > > The problem really is one of space. I agree with you in a way but at >least > > it's there. I hope they do better with the Caudron G-4 at the new >museum > > near Dulles Airport - scheduled to open December 2003. > >Let's pray! Do you know if any of the space available on the NASM will be >dedicated to make the airplanes more visible? >D. > _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 09:24:40 -0500 From: "John & Allison Cyganowski" To: Subject: Re: Fokker vs Sopwith Tripe Message-ID: <002b01c1742a$97afbdd0$5239183f@cyrixp166> The Sopwith Tripe was a really innovative variation on the Pup. The short chord wings coupled with the increased wing area gave more lift without paying too much of a darg penalty. However, the Pup's design had reached its limits, so too the tripehound. It was just not possible to get more performance (or armament) without a larger engine. This fact made a new designs imperative. The Se5/5a was the in-line approach, the Camel was the rotary solution. The Germans on the other hand stubbornly believed that they could wring more performance out of the Albatros D.III. They bet on this and lost. The Fokker Tripe was a recognition that they had to do something right away to become more competitive in the air. It was the best solution they could come up with based on existing engines and airframes. The result was pretty spectacular, but it was't fast enough. It would be another 7 months until the Germans got the new airframe that they needed (D.VII) and another 3-4 months after that before they began to recieve the improved engine (BMW) that would make the combination really shine. Fortunately, they were too late. Regards, John Cyg. ----- Original Message ----- From: Crawford Neil To: Multiple recipients of list Sent: Friday, November 23, 2001 8:30 AM Subject: [WWI] Fokker vs Sopwith Tripe > I've been thinking about something that has always > made me wonder. Why did the Sopwith Tripe disappear > so quickly, and then along comes the Fokker tripe > which was something of a copy, and becomes the most > famous WW1 aeroplane. If you look at the figures > the Sopwith was faster, had a 130hp engine compared to > 110, was probably(?) lighter. The Fokker was fighting > the next generation Sopwith, it should have been totally > outclassed, and certainly it was outclassed but not > totally. Which was the best plane the Sopwith Tripe or > the Fokker Tripe? > /Neil C. > ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 08:36:03 -0600 From: "Graham Hunter" To: Subject: RE: Sopwith Tripe Tailplanes Message-ID: <000e01c1742c$2e1389e0$fa0101c0@grahamh> Neil wrote: << Luckily, the kit version is larger so I should be able to cut