Re: von Raben's Dr.1

C.P. Hart (
Thu, 15 Jun 1995 09:48:38 +0000

>Joe pondered:
>> Can anyone give me a little more detail on Lt. von Rabin's Dr.1? I
>> understand that the fuselage and wings were painted blue, with a white
>> raven on the fuselage. The tail section was white with "crosses" on the
>> vertical stabilizer/rudder and fuselage.
>Rab_e_n's Dr.I was not blue and white, as some older paintings show.
>It was a deep vermillion/red, with a white tail, and white raven
>(which is what raben means in German).

This is a point of controversy among people interested in WW I
aircraft markings. Most references for this particular aircraft indicate
that it was painted red and white. Heinz Nowarra, who provided most of the
photos for Squadron's "Fokker Dr-I in Action" , published a color profile
in that book showing Raben's triplane to be blue and white. This is the
only place I know of where a blue and white macine is illustrated. I have
seen a piece of fabric purported to have come from Raben's triplane. It is
pretty clear looking at the fabric that a coat of red paint was applied
over a coat of medium blue.

>> 2. What kind of crosses were used?
>I believe they were standard for the time. The major difference was
>the upper-wing crosses did not have the white border - nor were they
>on a white field.
I believe that Raben operated this machine after April 1918, in which
case straight sided Balkenkreuze would be the national markings. You would
have to see how late into 1918 this machine was operated to know what style
of cross might be in use.

Charles Hart