More about A&E's Red Baron
Thu, 15 Jun 1995 01:16:38 -0400

I have received a couple of questions asking for more info about this
program. Arts and Entertainment is a cable tv network in North America. The
program on the Red Baron is part of their "Biography" series. As for
repeats, A&E often repeats some of their weekly programs on the weekends; be
sure to check your TV guides. You can order copies directly from A&E for
$19.95 plus $3.95 plus applicable taxes by calling 1-800-423-1212.
Unfortunately, I don't have an address for them and I checked the WWW index
at Yahoo and it doesn't look like they have a web page either. I would guess
that only an NTSC (or whatever) version of the tape is available, but I know
A&E cooperates with both the BBC and some other European networks for their
documentaries, so a PAL version might possibly exist. You might have better
luck trying to find someone who has VCRs with both versions to dub you a
copy. I know there are commercial services, but they'll probably charge you
an arm and leg. Please email me if you're interested in a copy from me. It's
probably illegal so I don't want to get Allan in trouble with the net-police
for discussing it on the list. ;-)

Jeff Hamblen