Windsock Specials?
Mon, 4 Dec 1995 23:48:17 -0500

Was looking to get Windsock 34 (or was it 43?) about the Halberstadt CL.VI
and noticed in the listing that there are two WWI aircraft specials, vols. 1
& 2. Not having either, I ask if anyone knows the contents of these books.
Are they compilations of various aircraft? If so, is the Halberstadt CL.VI
included in one of them. Not being minutely concerned with "instrument needle
shape" in my models, a general cockpit layout would do for this project.
(Tom's Modelworks kit) If the Windsock special has this, I'd get more
aircraft than if I bought the Halberstadt datafile. Any ideas?

Also, I need same for Bristol M1.C for Lonestar 1/48 kit.

Thanks all,
Scott H.
IPMS 32841