Rummaging for kits

Charles Hart (
Mon, 4 Dec 1995 15:55:58 -0700

Al wrote:

>I think that Rosemont has some Austin Ball's with resin props, guns, wheels,
>etc. for about $6-7. Definately more in line with a learning kit. I was
>originally thinking along the lines of a $2-3 kit at a swap meet or sale
>bin also. As I said I started with a $2.00 kit. Before you spend $20 on a
>vac to learn on let me rummage through my collection. I may still have one
>of those Austin-Ball's laying around.

Are these the Scaleplanes kits ?? Aren't these complete resin kits ??
I have one but at this price I would gladly pick up another one or two.
It is a very nice kit and well worth this price even if the subject was a
one off machine.
