Obsolete WW-I kits

Mon, 18 Dec 95 04:26:22 EST

-=> Quoting In:you@somehost.somedomai to ** All ** <=-

In> Years ago (8+) I recall seeing some very impresive WW-I
In> airplane kits at a local shop. Now that I have some money,
In> no one at any of our local shops knows anything about them.

In> As I recall, they were Japanese, scale unknown (app. 2 or 3
In> foot wingspan for a Spad), mixed construction (metal,
In> plastic and wood) and expensive. Does anyone have anymore
In> info on these kits and possible availability?

I believe that they were a line by either Hasagawa or tamiya,
large scale "museum" quality kits which were supposed to be very
close to the originals in construction, ie duplicating the
rib/spar/stringer layouts ofthe originals. There are probably
several kicking around as they were quite expensive, phenominally
so for the times!

Brad Chaucer

... A seize, tax and spend Congress left us taxed and spent in seizures!

___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.20