Caudron G.4

Musée de l'Air, Paris

Photos by Eric Gallaud, 2004

Photos by Knut Erik Hagen

Photos by Lance Krieg,2001

All comments on G.3 apply, except that nacelle is a darker tan color than the remainder of the plane, which matches the G.3. Note the individual pulsators and instrument (tachometer?) on each nacelle for pilot's observation. Also note what appears to be a two-part hatch in the center section of the top wing. Early resistance-based air speed indicator on strut.

Photos by Len Smith, 1996

General view and details of gun mounting and engine housing (note instruments) and lower look at engine and undercarriage.

Photos by Nigel Rayner

Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum

Photos by Michael Kendix

Michael Kendix took these pictures at the NASM Garber Restoration and Storage facility while their G4 was being restored.

Silver Hill, MD

These are some old photos taken by Michael Wuyek took of the Cauldron G.IV when it was at the Silver Hill Facility in Maryland, around 1992. Michael converted the photos to digital format in 2006.

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