Scouts in profile
by Ronny Bar

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Hi everybody !

Here I post some of my eighty plus WW1 single-seat fighters Profiles. They are all computer generated (a regular Pentium III with the Photo Studio 2000 program ) and I did them in two formats: for the web and for print publication (I hope some day I will be able to publish them in a book)

It all began some years ago and I have to admit that it was just as a means to see how my models would look like once finished (If you take a glance at my models you can see that most of the models painting schemes coincide with that of the Profiles !).
Then suddenly, one fateful day, I realized that I enjoyed painting virtual models as much as I did with the real ones. And besides, this way I avoided sticking my fingers (and surrounding furniture, to my wife's delight..!) with paint and glue.
So here I am. Putting my work to the world's consideration. I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I did while I was creating them.

Have fun and Smooth landings to everyone..!

Ronny's background

Ronan C. Bar was born on February 11th 1951 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He was in contact with airplanes at an early age, since he lived in Villa Bosch, close by the El Palomar Air Force Base in Buenos Aires, and he first flew at the age of ten in the back seat of a T-34 Mentor trainer. With that background, he began to draw airplanes and build models: Spitfires and Messerschmitts at first, Camels and Fokkers later. However, when it came to choose a trade he chose Rock and Roll, and so he became a successful bass player with a career lasting over 35 years in several Rock bands, recording ten albums (one of which sold more than 100.000 copies) and performing countless concerts and shows all over the country. Now, retired from the R'n'R scenario, he gave place to his another passion: Aviation Artwork... In one of his frequent travels he came across the collection of WW1 airplanes resident at Hendon, near London, UK, finally developing his already growing interest for that historic period. Presently, he is back at Villa Bosch, living with his wife Marta, plus four cats and two dogs. He also has a daughter (Layla, 31) and two grandchildren (León, 10 and Lulú, 4).


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